how to be a candle tester

We need YOUR help picking the next Antique Candle Co.® fragrances!

What is candle testing ya ask!? A couple times a year, we launch seasonal "Candle Testers" that include four brand new, unique fragrances (hand selected directly based on candle friend suggestions!), and open them up for EVERYONE to try and cast their vote on a winner!

When you purchase a set of Candle Testers, you'll become one of our very first friends to smell and test FOUR of the top, coziest picks for new fragrances. After smelling each one for yourself, you'll fill out a survey to let us know which one you want us to create! 🙌 PS: We also give ya a handy dandy 30% off coupon code just for submitting your feedback.

Basically, you decide what our next fall candle will be!
Fall Candle Testers

One of our favorite parts of picking a new fragrance each season is hearing your individual feedback. Your honesty is what we value most when it comes to picking the PERFECT scent! ❤️ The last round of candle testing from last fall, we tested four HIGHLY requested fragrances:

❤️ Cozy Flannel: eucalyptus, tobacco leaves, cedarwood, and vanilla cashmere
🫖 Earl Grey: earl grey tea, creamy coconut milk, and vanilla bean.
🔥 Fireside: firewood, pine, frankincense, and oakmoss.
Sugar + Spice: cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, toasted almond, and vanilla cake

With thousands of votes and so much valuable feedback from friends like you, Fireside won as one of our most luxurious, outdoorsy, nostalgic fragrances we've EVER launched!

    The opportunity to be a candle tester will be available on our website for a limited time only each time it's launchedIt's super easy, and Candle testers will always be the FIRST to know the winner of their candle tester group with early access to that yummy new fragrance! (Cue happy dance! 💃)

    We can't thank you enough for all the support from real people helping us choose perfect new fragrances to share with all our sweet candle friends each year! 💕 It's people like you who allow us to create something truly special through our candles. 

    Be sure you're subscribed as an Email and Testing Bestie to be the first to know next time Candle Testers are available online!




    • Eleanor Adams

      I ordered candles from you this year because of all of your followers on Instagram and am so glad I did! They are incredible as advertised and I would love to be a part of testing new fragrances…what a great job that would be….having your house smell awesome and getting to share your views…double bonus!

    • Tammy Anderson

      I burn a candle every day and would love to try one of your candles.

    • Loretta

      You can be sure I have a candle burning in Kailua Kona. The minute someone walks into our home they always comment that it smells so ONO (good)! It’s your candles that make that happen. Mahalo! I would be honored to be selected as a candle tester. Cheers to all the new upcoming scents!

    • Kari

      Would love this opportunity! You are an amazing company with out of this World CUSTOMER SERVICE. AND PRODUCT‼️ Can’t wait for the chance!♥️

    • Shannon E Donnelly

      I love trying new scents and products and have tried many candles/tarts/melts/oils over the past thirty years so I’d appreciate the opportunity to help you develop the best products possible!

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