vintage pickin' + teacups!

One of the most exciting things we do in the studio is get ready for Antique Candle Restocks. You know what that means, friend...vintage pickin'! We have our own team of 'pickers' that travel all around Indiana to find the most unique and adorable antiques. Most recently, the WHOLE CANDLE CREW got in on the action!

We all took a trip to our favorite local antique store to stock up on our own picks for upcoming restocks. Our favorite thing to pick for? TEACUPS!

Thousands of individually unique, vintage teacups lined every booth and we went CRAZY! We found pink glass teacups, white and floral teacups, teacups with pops of blue and green, classic and elegant teacups...Any kind you can think of, WE PICKED!

We found over 450 stunning vintage teacups to share with you at our biggest Teacup Restock EVER! (More coming all the time!)

To celebrate, we shared a yummy and adorable teacup candle with one lucky candle friend in a Teacup Candle Giveaway on Pinterest! Even though the giveaway is over, you can always stay updated on our antiquing adventures as an email friend!

What are your favorite antique candles and vintage finds? LET US KNOW! We'd love to hear your ideas for our next Antique Candle Restock!


Happy Pickin', friends!