the story of easter: part 1

Hi, friend! My name is Kaitlin and I lead the candle crew and Missions Committee here at the studio. I’m so excited you are here! 🤗

At Antique Candle Co.®, we desire to give glory, honor and praise to Jesus Christ. We believe He is worthy of it all. 🙌 As Easter approaches, we often take a minute to slow down and spend some time reflecting on who Jesus is and what He did for us. It’s Palm Sunday today and we couldn’t think of a more perfect time to look at what the Bible says about Jesus’ journey to the cross. Over the next week, we invite you to join us as we rejoice and reflect on Christ’s ultimate sacrifice in a three-part devotional series. As we remind ourselves of the Gospel message, we pray that you, too, will find hope and encouragement that Jesus has overcome! 💖

Palm Sunday is just the beginning of Jesus’ resurrection story, but it represents SO much! The details in the story of Palm Sunday always fill my heart with joy and I hope that they can do the same for you. As we begin the first part of our Easter series, would you read through Matthew 21: 1-11 (ESV) with me? 

1Now when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord needs them,’ and he will send them at once.” This took place to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet, saying,
“Say to the daughter of Zion,
‘Behold, your king is coming to you,
    humble, and mounted on a donkey,
    on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.’”
The disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them. They brought the donkey and the colt and put on them their cloaks, and he sat on them. Most of the crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” 10 And when he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred up, saying, “Who is this?” 11 And the crowds said, “This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee.”


Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem in such a humble way amazes me. Jesus identifies himself as Lord at the beginning of the passage, but he is willing to humbly enter Jerusalem - knowing fully the events to come. The people of Jerusalem expected for God to enter in extravagant fashion; after all, he is God! However, Jesus’ entry was unexpected and curious! It was a display of love and represented that the Son of God was and is for everyone. He is for the rich and the poor. He is for the hurting and the healing. He is for the lost and the found. He is for YOU and for me. He is for everyone - no matter their past! How beautiful & loving is that truth!?

Did you notice how the crowds responded to Jesus’ arrival? They laid what they had at the feet of Jesus and they worshiped Him. They weren’t offering the finest jewels or linens. Instead, they took the clothing from their backs and branches of trees nearby and laid them on the ground in front of Jesus. How powerful! Jesus meets us right where we are - no matter what we have to offer Him. How good and gracious is he!? 

Then the crowd praised Him. When they shouted “praise God,” they were saying the word "hosanna", meaning savior. They knew who Jesus was and what the promises of the Lord were. Hosanna in the highest. 🙌 PSST: Two songs that have been on my heart as I’ve been reading through these set of verses are Gratitude by Brandon Lake & Hosanna by Hillsong Worship. If you love music as a form of worship, then I’d encourage you to give them a listen!

As I reflect on this passage, I want to praise Jesus for his abounding love for everyone and for meeting us right where we are. What are you praising God for today? Leave a comment below so we can glorify Him together. 💕

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Lori Simser

April 10, 2022
I am praising God today for the hands he guided during a recent surgery I had this week. 🙏🏻


April 10, 2022
I am praising God for my family, our health, and happiness. Life is not always easy, but when I lean on my faith and knowing that God is always walking beside me, I have peace. God knows exactly what we need and when we need it.❤️


April 10, 2022
Thank you God for sending your son for our undeserving salvation! I’m also so thankful my husband returned home safe from a 6 month deployment and our family feels whole🤍

Gail Lake

April 10, 2022
I’m thankful my husband is gaining strength everyday! Our latter days are going to be better.


April 10, 2022
Today I am praising God for beautiful weather and the sounds of birds chirping! ☀️🕊

Vicki H.

April 10, 2022
I am praising God for all He has done for me & for my family 🙏 Thank you for this lovely Holy Week message 💕

Tammie Rheiner

April 10, 2022
I am so thankful that you and your fellow employees, share a love for the gospel of Jesus Christ. It brings such comfort & courage, and shines light and love to others. It is a confirmation that we are not alone in this battle against darkness and wrongs. Again, thank you for sharing and Happy Easter to all!


April 10, 2022
I am praising God for all that He has done for me & the people surrounding me. His love is unending.


April 10, 2022
What a Blessing You all are Praising Jesus in your Website. I opened this up on Plam Sunday Morning ,a special start to by Sunday... Thank You.🌿🌿🌿

Courtney Wiser

April 10, 2022
For His ridiculous grace.. loving me in spite of myself. Forgiving my rebellious heart.

Judy Josar

April 10, 2022
I am praising God today, and everyday, for loving me unconditionally all the days of my life.


April 10, 2022
I’m so grateful to God and the blessings he has given to me. Knowing that I have a forgiving savior in Jesus Christ is the biggest gift of all.


April 10, 2022
I am praising God for my family and salvation!

Deedra W.

April 10, 2022
I am praising God today for who He is and for the greatest gift of all time, His son Jesus Christ. May we seek His face always and trust in His goodness…..even when it looks different than what we hoped for.

Janet Kenney

April 10, 2022
I'm praising God for the gorgeous spring day to celebrate Palm Sunday and a baby shower to welcome a precious baby girl!

Sharon Ebelt

April 10, 2022
I am praising God because He was willing to lay down His life for ME! And for you! He is so worthy to be praised. God bless you guys!

Janet Mladic

April 10, 2022
I am thanking Jesus for helping me get better every day from my GBS syndrome..


April 10, 2022
I am praising Him for my many blessings, this country I live in, mine and my family’s good health! Thank you Jesus!

cassandra scott

April 10, 2022
Praising God for forgiveness, mercy and grace. So thankful I know him and he knows me!


April 10, 2022
I thank God for sending His Son Jesus to die in my place! His forgiveness and His mercy are perfect and complete!

Justice Smith

April 10, 2022
No great love that this; a man would lay down His Life for me.. Thank you Jesus


April 10, 2022
I'm praising God for my husband, my daughter, my friends and for our health.


April 10, 2022
I am thanking God for His great love! He loves us so much He died for our sins though we were the ones worthy of punishment for our sins!!

Sylvia T

April 10, 2022
I am thankful for Antique Candle Company who so graciously witnesses through the online site, allowing us to read about the writings of Matthew and to glorify this beautiful Palm Sunday as told in the gospel.


April 10, 2022
Praising God for life, because it it so precious. My grandmother is nearing the end of her earthly walk, and I thank God for our relationship and for her. He is so gracious and merciful. Every day is a gift, and for that I am so grateful.

Donna Bray

April 11, 2022
I’m praising God for restoration ❤️


April 11, 2022
I am praising God for Kaitlin and her love for God. Thank you, Kaitlin for sharing the Bible story, your insight and the songs. This was an impactful surprise from Antique Candle Company on this Palm Sunday 2023.

Tammy Linck

April 11, 2022
I am praising God for bringing me to it and always seeing me through it. ❤🙏


April 11, 2022
I praise. God for your ministry and for not being afraid to stand out above the rest. He trying has and will bless you. Thank you for blessing me with these words. Hugs to you all. "He has risen indeed"


April 11, 2022
I praise God for salvation, healing, and that He remains closer than a brother always hearing our prayers.

Jenn R

April 11, 2022
I am so thankful that I can come to Him despite my attitude. He loves all of me. May He bless and keep all of you!

Linda Owens

April 14, 2022
I praise Gid for His many blessings He has bestowed upon me. For loving me even though im.not deserving...for my salvation. 🙌🙌🙌🙌

Andrea Hughes

April 7, 2023
God is so faithful even when I fall short. He is SO good and blessed me with a beautiful family. I am so thankful for his unfailing love and a life he’s blessed me with more than I could ever dream. I still remember the days I prayed for what I have now!


March 30, 2024
I am grateful for Gods unending love and mercy new every morning all due to the finish work of the cross! Praise the Lord!