the story of easter: part 1
Hi, friend! My name is Kaitlin and I lead the candle crew and Missions Committee here at the studio. I’m so excited you are here! 🤗
At Antique Candle Co.®, we desire to give glory, honor and praise to Jesus Christ. We believe He is worthy of it all. 🙌 As Easter approaches, we often take a minute to slow down and spend some time reflecting on who Jesus is and what He did for us. It’s Palm Sunday today and we couldn’t think of a more perfect time to look at what the Bible says about Jesus’ journey to the cross. Over the next week, we invite you to join us as we rejoice and reflect on Christ’s ultimate sacrifice in a three-part devotional series. As we remind ourselves of the Gospel message, we pray that you, too, will find hope and encouragement that Jesus has overcome! 💖
Palm Sunday is just the beginning of Jesus’ resurrection story, but it represents SO much! The details in the story of Palm Sunday always fill my heart with joy and I hope that they can do the same for you. As we begin the first part of our Easter series, would you read through Matthew 21: 1-11 (ESV) with me?
‘Behold, your king is coming to you,
humble, and mounted on a donkey,
on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.’”
Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem in such a humble way amazes me. Jesus identifies himself as Lord at the beginning of the passage, but he is willing to humbly enter Jerusalem - knowing fully the events to come. The people of Jerusalem expected for God to enter in extravagant fashion; after all, he is God! However, Jesus’ entry was unexpected and curious! It was a display of love and represented that the Son of God was and is for everyone. He is for the rich and the poor. He is for the hurting and the healing. He is for the lost and the found. He is for YOU and for me. He is for everyone - no matter their past! How beautiful & loving is that truth!?
Did you notice how the crowds responded to Jesus’ arrival? They laid what they had at the feet of Jesus and they worshiped Him. They weren’t offering the finest jewels or linens. Instead, they took the clothing from their backs and branches of trees nearby and laid them on the ground in front of Jesus. How powerful! Jesus meets us right where we are - no matter what we have to offer Him. How good and gracious is he!?
Then the crowd praised Him. When they shouted “praise God,” they were saying the word "hosanna", meaning savior. They knew who Jesus was and what the promises of the Lord were. Hosanna in the highest. 🙌 PSST: Two songs that have been on my heart as I’ve been reading through these set of verses are Gratitude by Brandon Lake & Hosanna by Hillsong Worship. If you love music as a form of worship, then I’d encourage you to give them a listen!
As I reflect on this passage, I want to praise Jesus for his abounding love for everyone and for meeting us right where we are. What are you praising God for today? Leave a comment below so we can glorify Him together. 💕
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