the story of easter: part 3

Hey, friend! My name is Kaitlin and I lead the candle crew and Missions Committee here at the studio. 🤗

I am so thankful to have you join us as we reflect on the story of Easter. ✝ In Part 2, we read about the Last Supper and Jesus’ unconditional and unending love. His sacrificial love was for all people then, but is also for all people now. If you missed Part 2, you can check it out below.

Read Part 2

In Part 3, we will journey through the events that lead to Jesus’s death and his triumphant resurrection over the grave. Jesus’ resurrection changed everything, and I pray that you find peace and hope in this story.

Following the Last Supper, a series of sorrowful events unfolded that eventually lead to Jesus being sentenced to death. He was betrayed by one of His closest friends, arrested, and beaten all before being put to death on the cross. Jesus knew fully of the suffering to come, yet chose to walk through it for you and for me. The messiness of the cross is that the suffering was for US - for our brokenness and for our sin. The sweetness of the cross is that Jesus loved every single one of us so deeply and unconditionally that He chose to sacrifice Himself for us.

Jesus’ final moments on the cross were devastating, but also life changing! Matthew 27: 50 - 52 (ESV) outlines what happened. Let's read it together:

50 And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.51 At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split 52 and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.

Before Jesus’s life, death & resurrection, being in God’s presence looked a lot different than it does today. There was a designated Holy place in the Temple where only a select few could be in God’s presence. On the cross though, Jesus’ Spirit is released. The curtain that used to separate the Holy Place was torn from top to bottom signifying the Holy Spirit’s availability to everyone who believes! Through Jesus, each and every one of us can have direct access to God. This amazing and undeserved gift is one to cherish and celebrate! Did you know that God desires a personal and intimate relationship with you? He desires for you to know him and connect with him. Jesus’ death on the cross actually allows for His Spirit to live in us and for us to live a totally new life.


Jesus’ body was wrapped and placed in a tomb for what everyone thought would be forever. Three days passed, and the stone that was blocking the tomb’s entrance was rolled away. When people came to visit the tomb, they saw Jesus’ body was missing and He had risen from the grave! 🙌

“But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said." Matthew 28: 5-6 (ESV)

Christ’s resurrection means life with Him for all of us! It is proof of our salvation through Him and a promise for the future. He has risen and His kingdom shall be restored! As Christians, this truth gives us unending joy, and we hope and pray that you find joy in this story too. If you would like to know more about Jesus, we would love to talk with you! Start a conversation with us here

Happy Easter, friends. Praise Jesus, He has overcome! 💜